Clydesdale Frames Co.
Clydesdale Frames Co. is a timber frame company with in-house design services that builds custom timber frame homes and light commercial buildings.

Company Details
Address: 610 N Clydesdale Dr.
City: Hutchinson
State: Kansas
Zipcode: 67501
Phone: +1 (620) 663-6200
Clydesdale Frames Co.
In the beginning, there was an idea and a desire to build a timberframe home. As this idea sparked into a small flame, books were read, classes were attended, and decks were built. The desire was strong, but the idea needed to be examined since Kansas is not covered with any kind of native forest. The idea was turned over and over…and it was good.
The designing, ordering, and cutting of the first frame was under way and the desire was strong. That timberframe home was raised 25 years ago and I still live in it. My wife and I raised 4 kids in it, numerous dogs and cats, we laughed in it, cried in it, and lived life in it. Sitting on the porch holding my wife’s hand, we realize…it is good.
One frame became another, and another, until we realized that we can pre-build these frames in Kansas and ship them to neighboring states and raise them on their foundations. Our young crew grew more experienced as the seasons changed and the chisel fell upon timber after timber. We all realized that this was a different way to earn our keep…and it was good.
The designs grew bigger and more complicated. The long road of craftsmanship is a journey of fortitude and stubbornness. There is no quick bypass, or short cuts, the pursuit mandates that the time, the effort, the steadfastness is necessary. Mastering one skill only leads to another set of disciplines that must be walked through. It’s frustrating, it’s exhilarating, it’s consuming…and it is good.
Looking back, after 25 years, I see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of timberframes. I see frames for homes, frames for recreational use, frames for commercial businesses, and frames that house places of worship. I see frames designed to support a porch swing and resist the kinetic energy of swinging back and forth. I see frames designed to hold up the monstrous snow loads of ski country. I see frames designed to resist the lateral push of the mid-western winds. I see all of these frames…and it is good.
I also see the people we call clients and inevitably call friends. I see their faces and remember their stories about grandsons under the Friday night lights. I remember the laughter of a well timed joke and the playful banter sitting around dinner tables after a long day flying timber. I remember the looks of concern and the serious discussions about overcoming the myriad of general construction problems. All of them have imprinted us…and it is good.
I’m not sure exactly what the next 25 years will bring? But I expect it will involve more frames, more friends, and more memories. If our history is any indication of the future…it will be good! Care to be a part?
We travel to Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Colorado!