When looking for ways to save on energy costs in a new or current home, there are plenty of small changes that can have a huge impact. The Department of Energy offers beginner solutions to becoming energy efficient:
- Perform a home energy audit — you can do this yourself or hire a professional.
- Caulk, seal and install weatherstripping around your windows and doors.
- When replacing appliances, opt for products with the ENERGY STAR® label.
- Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs.
- Automate your thermostat and lighting with smart-home technology.
Spend a Little … Save a Lot More
If you’re looking for an idea that puts even more cash back in your pocket, consider installing a renewable-energy system, like solar, wind or hydropower. While the upfront price tag may not be the cheapest, there are federal and state incentives that can reduce installation costs. Grid-connected solar and wind systems can be particularly practical since excess electricity is sent back to the power grid, meaning homeowners can earn rebates or credits from utility providers.