Plan Your Timber Frame House
There’s a lot of planning that goes into building a new timber frame house; get our expert advice on buying land, building a private road, choosing a post and beam style, selecting a wood species and more.

Are you considering building a custom timber frame or hybrid home? Join Log & Timber Home Living and the experts at New Energy Works for this webinar.
Once you familiarize yourself with timber framing, you’ll start to see its influence everywhere. Here’s what you need to know.
Prospective home buyers are wise to inquire before they buy. Use the following nine questions to analyze if the company you’re co…
A reader writes in wondering what's the best way to build on a small scale:
With a little forethought and healthy dose of good design, a tiny timber home will feel anything but cramped. Here’s how to make …
Where does function overrule form here?
Figure out what kind of custom home you should build.
Want to boost your sense of well-being and happiness? Build your timber home along a body of water.
It’s not only the wood that makes people fall in love with timber frames — it’s their natural sustainability.
Keep your home’s interior fresh and fit with these six hints for cleaner indoor living.
Use this handy illustration as a guide to timber frame terminology:
A short and sweet list to help you walk through this big decision.
Some intro terminology to get you going with your timber home research and planning
Some introductory terminology to get you started in choosing a timber home provider and understanding what the inside and outside…
Structural insulated panels (SIPs) and timber frame homes mirror and reinforce each other’s strengths, from their sustainability …
It's the details that make all the difference after all!
Use these questions as a way to organize the daunting process of building a timber home.
Use this checklist to make sure you find the right piece of property for your timber home.
The details of each variety may seem small, but their effect is huge.
Timber frame construction has been used for centuries and is increasingly popular today - here's why.
Design a personalized space dedicated to what you love to do and get inspired by these fun examples.
What are the biggest differences between conventional and naturally built homes?
What exactly is a naturally built timber home, and what sets it apart from other homes?
Wormy or ambrosia maple is known for its white and dark wood tones, but it can lose color over time. Here's how to keep your worm…
Why you should consider building a timber frame home for you and your family.
What are the pros and cons for an interior versus an exterior chimney? We’re working on a limited budget and need to build someth…
Jeff and Stephanie Bowes of Canadian Timberframes share three topics to address before choosing a timber provider.