Should I cover the wall of windows and several smaller windows in my great room?
Before making a decision on this topic, first answer this question: Do I have a sun, heat or cold problem that must be eased with window coverings? If there are environmental requirements, pleated shades or curtain panels could handle the work load. Keep fabric to a minimum because you’re trying to highlight that large open window. It’s a good rule of thumb to keep fabric window treatments minimal throughout a timber frame home, but you don’t have to eliminate them altogether.
If you use wooden blinds, choose the wood color carefully. It needs to contrast pleasantly with or blend into the wood of the frame. Because timber homes are so open, often many areas are viewed at once. For this reason, window treatments should also be compatible and complement each other. In public areas, they need to have neighborliness — a common denominator in color, texture or basic style. In private areas, use whatever treatment is most pleasing to the look and function of the space.